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Send HTTP to SharePoint | Cheat Sheet | The most powerful action of Power Automate


Good day everyone, Hoping you all have a nice weekend. Today I’m gonna introduce you one of most powerful action of Power Automate, especially when you’re creating flow that related with SharePoint. This action is well-know and used by many experts. But in this blog post, I will give you a cheat sheet where you can follow, even you’re not an expert.


You may familiar with SharePoint action in Power Automate, there are many out-of-the-box action that can perform general task like Get item, Get items, Create item, Update Item, Delete item, Create file, Delete file, and more.

But if you ever wonder, How it work? How Power Automate tell with SharePoint to do these task?

While these out-of-the-box action can perform almost task and should cover almost thing you need, but yes, That’s not total task they can do.

SharePoint REST API have tons of functionalities which sometimes provide better result than out-of-the box action, even when doing the same task.

Now, It’s time to show you. Here is a list of my cheat sheet!

Table of Contents


1. Get item (Specific record by ID)

Purpose: To get a single record of item in a list, specify by ID

Alternative of: Get item

Method: GET

Uri: _api/web/lists/GetByTitle(‘ListTitle‘)/items(ID)

2. Select only columns you need

Purpose: To only select column that you really need,

Supported with: Every GET request

Syntax: $select=ColumnName1, ColumnName2, …

3. Expand LookUp column

Purpose: To expand LookUp column, and the best things is you can expand all column from the source list for LookUp column, not just the Value and Id

Supported with: Every GET request

Syntax: $expand=ColumnName$select=ColumnName/Field1,ColumnName/Field2,ColumnName/Field3,…

4. Expand Person column

Purpose: To expand Person column

Supported with: Every GET request

Syntax: $expand=ColumnName$select=ColumnName/Field1,ColumnName/Field2,ColumnName/Field3,…

5. Get items (Multiple record)

Purpose: To get a one or more record of items in a list. It will return only first 100 records by default but can set to max 5,000 using $top

Alternative of: Get items

Method: GET

Uri: _api/web/lists/GetByTitle(‘ListTitle‘)/items

6. Filter list item

Supported with: Every GET request for one or more record

Syntax: $filter=ColumnName eq ‘Value’

7. Create item

Purpose: To create item in SharePoint List, The good (or bad) things is by using this method, it can bypass SharePoint required field validation!

Alternative of: Create item

Method: POST

Uri: _api/web/lists/GetByTitle(‘ListTitle‘)/items

Body: JSON Object of your item

8. Update list item

Purpose: To update existing list item, Unlike the “Update item” action, you can specify just only the column you want to update without need to specify the required field

Alternative of: Update Item

Method: POST

Headers: {“X-HTTP-METHOD”: “MERGE“, “IF-MATCH”: “*”}

Uri: _api/web/lists/GetByTitle(‘ListTitle‘)/items(ID)

Body: JSON Object you want to update

9. Delete list item

Purpose: To delete existing list item

Alternative of: Delete Item

Method: POST

Headers: {“X-HTTP-METHOD”: “DELETE“, “IF-MATCH”: “*”}

Uri: _api/web/lists/GetByTitle(‘ListTitle‘)/items(ID)

10. Get SharePoint attachments

Supported with: Every GET request of SharePoint items

Syntax: $select=AttachmentFiles,Title&$expand=AttachmentFiles

11. Get drive id of SharePoint document library

Purpose: To get a drive id of SharePoint document library which sometimes needed for some action (some action don’t accept library id or library name)

Alternative of:

Method: GET

Uri: _api/v2.1/drives?$select=id,name

And there are tons of capabilities of what SharePoint REST API can do!

While I can’t cover all and go in details for every capabilities in cheat sheet, I recommend you to check out these amazing blog post that leverage SharePoint REST API.

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