Power Automat Approvals Explorer (Download)


Good day! I have been developing a Power Apps & Power Automate solution that contains a complex approval process for a while. One thing I have noticed is that I spend a lot of time searching or browsing the approval history in order to develop or even debug.


Browsing through the Power Automate Approvals history is such a pain since there is no single place where we can monitor it. Instead, The Approvals data is stored in a separate table in Dataverse including

  • Approval – (msdyn_flow_approval)
  • Approval Request – (msdyn_flow_approvalrequest)
  • Approve Response – (msdyn_flow_approvalresponse)

This is particularly difficult to browse, especially for administrators or developers who want to debug their Approvals process.


Good news is, we can create a Canvas App that can explore among those table at once, And I already do this job for you 🙂

Introducing…. Approval Explorer

The app is simple, there are only 2 screens

  1. Homepage – use to browse, search, filter approvals in current environment
  2. Approval Detail – display detailed information for selected record, you can see details of the approval, requestor, approver
Approval Explorer Homepage
Approval Explorer Approval Detail page


To install this in your environment, Simply follow these step.

1. Go to Power Apps Maker Portal.

2. Navigate to Solutions tab.

3. Click “Import solution

4. Click on Browse and select the downloaded package.

5. Click Next

6. Click Import

7. Wait for import process to finish.

8. Few minutes after import has finished, The Approval Explorer app will appear at Apps tab

Lack of license? Need premium license?

Since this app is connected to Dataverse table. A Power Apps standalone license will be required for “production use”

Well, Since this tool is designed for developer in order to easily track and debug their app. So, The developer license is fine

Again, This license isn’t meant for productional use.

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